
What, Who, the Bazooka was who ..

... and to my rescue was the S1W.  Hello all!  Yes it has been awhile since our last encounter.  But I am back.  So, no need to fret. I will hold you and cuddle you and call you George.

Anyway ... we had a bit of bad rainy cold weather here and I decided to keep my health for the holidays.  But I am back in the saddle again.

It was a bit slippery this morning out in the streets.  I witnessed a cager take a corner at high speed and lose it on the black ice.  The car was about 50 yards in front of me.  The back end fishtailed at speed, he over corrected, the car fishtailed the other direction, aimed right for a telephone pole, he corrected again, missed the pole by inches and shot into oncoming traffic.  Luckily the oncoming traffic saw what was happening and slowed, then stopped.  This guy had at least 3 misses by inches.  WOW.  Good morning. Finally, he aimed the car down the road, in the correct lane, and went on to change his poop-stained pants.

My ride was much better.


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