
Due to an extended illness ...

... I have been unable to commute via two wheel human powered safety bicycle.  I have been commuting this week via a big huge petrol guzzling SUV. 

Everyone in my house is sick.  Sick wife. Sick child. Sick me. It's called a circle of sickness.  And as a bonus, the weather is supposed to turn to crap starting tomorrow.  Finally, a winter. 

Anyway, here are two pics I took the past two days:

1 comment:

  1. That can be tough. But at least with the weather turning bad, you won't feel like you're missing out on nice riding from being sick, right?
    I have a couple of different bikes, but when I'm not feeling well, I ride my folding bike, since it means I can either drive partway to work with the bike in my trunk and still not have to park downtown, or if I do try to ride the whole way and run out of steam, or am tired at the end of the day, I can take the bus with my bike.
